17 Prayer Points


Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking transformation and revival in our cities. As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility to intercede on behalf of our communities, seeking God’s intervention, mercy, and guidance.

1. Pray for Revival and Awakening: (2 Chr 7:14; Dan 9:18–19; Psa 85:6; Hab 3:2; Act 2:37–41): These Scriptures emphasize the need to pray fervently for revival and awakening in our cities. We are called to seek God’s forgiveness, healing, and the outpouring of His Spirit. By interceding, we invite the Holy Spirit to convict hearts, leading individuals to repentance and a wholehearted return to God. Revival brings transformation, awakening people to the greatness, power, authority, and supremacy of our Lord.

2. Drawing the Unsaved to Christ: (Joh 6:44): Jesus declared that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws them. As we pray, we align ourselves with the Father’s heart, asking Him to draw the unsaved in our communities and cities to Himself. We also pray for laborers to cross their paths, sowing seeds of the Gospel and participating in the joyous task of bringing souls into God’s Kingdom

3. Pray for Repentance: (2 Peter 3:9): The Lord desires that all would come to repentance. As intercessors, we join in agreement with God’s heart, praying that the unsaved would turn away from their sins and embrace a new life in Christ. We ask for His patience and mercy, believing that He desires salvation for everyone.

4. Pray for Understanding of the Gospel: (Rom 10:14; Mat 13:19): We pray that the unsaved not only hear the Gospel but also understand its truth and significance. The enemy seeks to hinder understanding, so we beseech God to illuminate hearts and minds, allowing the seed of the Gospel to take root and grow. We also pray against the enemy’s attempts to snatch away the message before it can penetrate and bring transformation.

5. Pray for Open Hearts and Minds: (2 Cor 4:4): The devil seeks to blind the minds of unbelievers, preventing them from seeing the light of the Gospel. It is the Lord’s responsibility to open their minds, but it is our duty to pray for this to happen. We ask God to remove spiritual blindness and to reveal the truth of Christ, enabling individuals to receive the Good News with open hearts.

6. Pray for Freedom from Bondage: (Luke 11:21; Col 2:14): As believers, we have authority in prayer to ask God to release the unsaved from the snares and bondage of the enemy. Satan is a defeated foe, and we can pray for God to thwart the plans of the enemy, dismantle his strongholds, and bring liberation to those held captive. We pray for the blinders to be removed and for individuals to experience the freedom only found in Christ.

7. Pray with Love, Empathy, and Compassion: Scripture encourages us to pray for the unsaved with the love, empathy, and compassion of the Father’s heart. Our prayers should reflect God’s heart for humanity, seeking their salvation and well-being.

8. Pray in Faith and Believing God’s Promises: (1 Tim 2:4): We pray with faith, believing that God is willing and able to fulfill His promises. We trust in His desire for all to come to repentance and knowledge of the truth. Nothing is impossible for God, and we approach Him with confidence, knowing that He can bring about revival and transformation in our cities.

9. Pray for Life and the Culture of Life: (Jer 1:5; Ps 139:13–16; Pro 24:11; Deu 21:8–9): We pray for the protection and valuing of all life, from conception onward. We ask God to break the culture of crime and death in our cities and restore a culture that values and protects every individual. We recognize that every life is precious in the sight of God and intercede for His healing and restoration in our communities.

10. Pray for Reconciliation and Unity: (Jam 2:9; Rom 10:12–13; Act 10:28; Gal. 3:28, 34–35; Joh 7:24; 1 Joh 2:9; Rev. 7:9): We pray for the reconciliation of cultures and ethnicities within our cities. As the Church, we lead the way in standing against racial conflict and prejudice, demonstrating Christ’s love and acceptance for all people. We seek unity, embracing diversity and respecting every culture and nationality, believing that God’s Kingdom is not divided by such differences.

11. Pray for Leaders with Wisdom and Integrity: (Mic 6:8; 1 Pet 2:17; 1 Tim. 2:1–2; Rom. 13:1; Tit 3:1–2): We intercede for our local leaders, asking God to grant them wisdom, understanding, and discernment. We pray that they would govern with justice, mercy, integrity, and truth. By seeking God’s guidance for our leaders, we contribute to the well-being and righteousness of our cities.

12. Pray for Healing and Restoration: (Psa 30:2): We pray for the broken, wounded, and hurting in our communities. We implore the Father to bring healing and restoration to lives that have been devastated by violence, trauma, or any form of suffering. Through prayer, we invite God’s transforming power to mend hearts and rebuild what has been broken.

13. Pray for Wisdom and Guidance for Churches: (Psa 32:8): We seek God’s wisdom and guidance for our churches as we endeavour to reach the lost in our cities. We pray that our programs and ministries would align with His will and effectively meet the needs of our communities. By seeking His instruction, we position ourselves as instruments of His love and compassion, shining His light in dark places.

14. Pray for Citywide Transformation: (Mat 5:16): We pray for the Holy Spirit’s power to penetrate every sector and area of our cities. We desire to see the Word of the Lord influencing families, education, media, business, government, and entertainment. Through prayer, we invite a revival that will spark transformation and bring glory to God.

15. Pray with Courage and Boldness: We approach prayer and God’s throneroom with courage and boldness, knowing that we serve a God who is faithful and powerful. We stand firm in our faith, refusing to be discouraged or intimidated, and believing that our prayers have a profound impact. Don’t give up!

16. Pray without Ceasing:(1 The 5:17): We are encouraged to maintain a posture of continuous prayer, never giving up or growing weary. Persistent prayer sustains our intercession for revival, awakening, and transformation in our cities. DIG THE WELL! BUILD A MEMORIAL OF PRAYER! (Act 10:4)

17. Pray the Word of God: (Jer 1:12) The Word of God is powerful and effective. When we pray the Scriptures, we align ourselves with God’s purposes and promises. His Word serves as a guide and a foundation for our prayers, ensuring that we pray according to His will and that our requests are in line with His character and desires.

Prayer is a vital and transformative mandate and practice in seeking revival and awakening in our cities. As we intercede on behalf of our cities and communities, we align ourselves with God’s heart and purposes. We pray for the unsaved to come to repentance, understanding, and a personal encounter with the Gospel. We pray for healing, reconciliation, and wisdom for leaders. We also pray for the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to penetrate every aspect of our cities.

In our prayers, we approach God with faith, believing in His promises and His ability to bring about transformation. We pray with love, compassion, and boldness, refusing to give up or grow weary. And as we pray, we rely on the Word of God, knowing that His truth and power are at work in our intercession.

May we continue to be faithful intercessors, praying without ceasing, and trusting in God’s sovereign ability to bring revival and transformation to our cities, one life and one heart at a time.


The challenges we face in our communities are not surmountable by any one person. But together, through prayer we can do the impossible. Today, a contribution. Tomorrow, you will have made all the difference.